Inspiring Business Leaders

16 Quotes By Inspiring Business Leaders You Need To Learn Now

If you search for inspiring business leaders, you might get thousands of results. And if your search is still incomplete, this blog is for you. In today’s world, leadership plays an important role whether it’s political leaders who are leading their respective countries or the business leaders. A business leader is one who not only leads from the front but also set up a good example for others.

Businesses are very dynamic and there are no fixed rules for running a particular business. As a result, a business leader needs to act according to the situation. He needs to be calm and maintain the composure while taking big discussions.

In Mirror Review’s latest magazine issue of “The 30 most inspiring business leaders 2019”, we have captured the thoughts of inspiring business leaders on their personal favorite leaders and what inspired them to start their business.

Let’s learn from these 16 quotes by inspiring business leaders.

  1. When we asked the same question to Feyzi Fatehi, the CEO of Corent Technology, Inc. He said, “A leader is the one who is genuinely grounded and clear about her vision and values and have the strength and skills to act accordingly.”
Feyzi Fatehi Quote

2. “A good leader first must seek truth in him or her and must reach from within and connect to inner self,” shares Ahmad Moradi, the Founder and CEO of NETSTAIRS.

Leadership quote by Ahmad Moradi

3. “A leader is someone who can see the big picture and have already mentally and visually thought out the process from start to end,” said Angus Burke, the Founder of EP Health.

Angus Burke Thought

4. Chris Pritchard, National Health Care Group Leader at Moss Adams said, A leader should set a vision and strategy for his company to position it for future success, while leveraging talent in an organization to achieve the vision.”

Chris Pritchard Vision

5. Dave O’Brien, the CEO of Agreement Express (AEX) said, “A leader must create a clear strategy for the business, often while navigating a storm of issues.”

Dave O’Brien business Quote

6. Enrico Palmerino, the CEO and Founder of Botkeeper said, “My ideal leader is someone whose vision and values are so closely intertwined that their decision making appears effortless, clear, and concise despite the odds.”

Enrico Palmerino Quote

7. Florian Altmann, the CPO of INSITE IT GmbH believes, “A good leader is reliable and focused, even during tough times. If your team likes to be around you and you are able to bring out the best in everyone, I think you are on a good track as a leader.”

Florian Altmann Quote

8. “A great leader should be empathetic, honest, and lead by example. I believe that modern leaders should at least possess the knowledge on topics and customers’ issues so that they can effectively know when to take corrective actions,” said James Phipps, the President of BeCloud, LLC

James Phipps Quote

9. Jeff LoCastro, the Founder and CEO of Neener Analytics said, “The truth is—not everyone is cut out for leadership and that’s a good thing. But if you seriously want to lead then find something to lead: a small project or a big one. Own it, build your team around it, and live that project. Love it and hug it until culmination, learn from it and do it again and again.”

Inspiring Business Leaders

10. “A good leader listens and values his team; and more importantly the end-user,” says Matthew Walsh—the CEO of Blue Signal Search. He further adds, “A leader is willing to be out in front of the pack and set the pace.”

Inspiring Business Leaders

11. Nadeem Kassam CEO and Founder of Connect the Doc thinks a good leader is honest, transparent, persuasive, and level-headed

Inspiring Business Leaders

12. An ideal leader is one who is courageous enough to take a small vision and implement it in the real world.  PNC Menon, the Founder and Chairman of Sobha Realty

Inspiring Business Leaders

13. “A leader foresees things that others can’t and hence is able to guide the team through all challenges and encourages them to create something unique and truly majestic,” said Shrishail Rana, the CEO of Systweak Software

Inspiring Business Leaders

14. Simeon Garratt, the Co-founder and CEO of Spark RE Technologies believes, “The most important qualities of an ideal leader are to be inspiring and trustworthy. All other qualities come as a by-product of these.”

Inspiring Business Leaders

15. Stephen Malloy, the Chief Operations Officer of Advanced Enterprise Technologies, Inc. (AETI) said, “A leader should do everything with a sense of purpose. Be the person you say you are, be a good listener, be clear on what the objective is, and communicate that clearly. He should never be afraid of taking risks—manage them and move forward.”

Inspiring Business Leaders

16. Toby Ruckert, the CEO and Founder of UIB said, “A good leader has the ability to inspire not just him/her, but also a team of people with diverse backgrounds. Leaders must be able to maintain the loyalty and help sustain the passion of their people to successfully execute their long-term vision and strategy.”

Inspiring Business Leaders

We hope these 16 quotes by inspiring business leaders made you realize how important a leader is. Don’t forget to catch up some of the most inspiring business leaders and their business stories.

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Also Read: 15 Best Branding Quotes To Help Transform Your Business

About Us

Mirror Review Media & Technology, a well established and prominent magazine company has initiated its latest offering in the form of Quotes. Founders, Presidents, CEOs and decision makers who are pathfinders, rule breakers and game changers of the global business and technology industry, will be quoted and featured on this platform.
