Women Empowerment Quotes

10 Most Compelling Women Empowerment Quotes You Will Read On This Women’s Day

Started officially by United Nations on March 8, 1975, The International Women’s Day is celebrated to cherish women’s contributions to the society. This day raises awareness about the fight for gender parity and inspires support from organizations that help women globally. We are on a brink of this year’s Women’s Day. Thinking of the present year, the long-fought battle by women for justice, equal rights, and gender equality is nearing a finish. The overall attitude of the society towards women’s empowerment is becoming more optimistic which is helping society become a safer, peaceful and joyful place for women.

We have managed to gather 10 most compelling women empowerment quotes by women from different fields who have contributed towards the excellence of human society.

1. Raise your Voice

Holding yourself back sometimes can be the most disappointing thing you’ve done with yourself. So whenever you see anything wrong, you must raise your voice against it. –Malala Yousafzai

Malala Yousafzai

2. Focus on your goals

Do not ever get bogged down by what others say about you. Stay loyal to yourself and committed to your goals. –Michelle Obama

Michelle Obama

3. Inspire others

Your success means nothing if you haven’t inspired a single person to do the same. Inspiring others empower you as well. –Serena Williams

Serena Williams

4. Happiness starts with you

If you depend on others to make you happy and take care of you, you are bound to be disappointed. Your happiness should always start with you and revolve around yourself. –Beyonce


5. Never doubt your Abilities

You must optimize every opportunity that comes your way without having any doubt about yourself and your abilities. –Hilary Clinton

Hilary Clinton

6. Bold is Beautiful

There is nothing such as physical beauty. When you are bold enough to be yourself in front of the world, you are unarguably beautiful. –Emma Stone

Emma Stone

7. Participation is Important

Instead of keeping quiet on problems, don’t hesitate to suggest solutions. Your small participation might turn out to be a lion’s share in the future. –Tina Fey

Women Empowerment Quotes By Tina Fey

8. Don’t hesitate to cross the line

Limiting yourself to certain things might limit your success in big time. Don’t get bound by anything, always be ready to cross the line to achieve the undone. –Shonda Rhimes

Women Empowerment Quotes By Shonda Rhimes

9. Prioritize yourself at any cause

Well, this may sound rude, but it is important. Irrespective of the situation, always prefer yourself above anything. –Audre Lorde

Women Empowerment Quotes By Audre Lorde

10. Say no to Excuses

Failures are a part and parcel of life, but giving excuses for failures isn’t the way to go about. Always be prepared to learn from mistakes and try not to give excuses. –Florence Nightingale

Women Empowerment Quotes By Florence Nightingale

Read more women empowerment quotes: Melinda Gates Quotes on Philanthropy and Women Empowerment

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Mirror Review Media & Technology, a well established and prominent magazine company has initiated its latest offering in the form of Quotes. Founders, Presidents, CEOs and decision makers who are pathfinders, rule breakers and game changers of the global business and technology industry, will be quoted and featured on this platform.
