15 Greta Thunberg Quotes about Climate Change that will open your Eyes

15 Greta Thunberg Quotes about Climate Change that will open your Eyes

A 17-year old climate activist from Sweden, Greta Thunberg is internationally recognized as the voice challenging world-leaders to take immediate action against climate change. She first grabbed attention when she started a movement outside the Swedish Parliament to call stronger actions on climate change by holding up a sign reading “School Strike for Climate”. Shortly, other students also engaged in similar protests in their communities and organized a school climate strike movement under the name “Fridays for Future”. Few Greta Thunberg quotes were remarkable during the 2018 United Nations Climate Change Conference and several other conferences.

She delivered eye-opening speeches in those conferences and summits that were widely taken up from around the world. For her massive influence on the world stage, Greta has won several awards and recognitions such as inclusion in the Forbes List of World’s 100 Most Powerful Women and the prestigious nominations for the Nobel Peace Prize for two consecutive years. Her blunt and aggressive style of speaking has won her many admirers around the world.

Here are the 15 Greta Thunberg quotes that will wake you up from within.

    1. “Our house is still on fire. Your inaction is fueling the fire by the hour.”

On many occasions, not reacting to certain things/ situations may cause serious damage. So you must be vocal about your views on climate change.

  1. “I don’t like being the center of attention. I’m not used to that. All my life I have been like the invisible girl at the back that no one sees or listens to.”

Greta has always been away from the limelight and has focused on working rather than grabbing attention –which differentiates her from many influencers.

  1. “We already have the facts and solutions. All we have to do is to wake up and change.”

All of us are aware of the changing climate and its disastrous effects on environment. We must come forward to make a change.

  1. “I don’t want you to be hopeful. I want you to panic and actually act.”

Only hope is not going to make a difference. You must be relentless in terms you efforts towards the climate change.

  1. “By panic I don’t mean panic but to step outside your comfort zone because the planet is outside its comfort zone. I want people to become aware of this crisis.”

Many people are unaware the tragic outcomes of the climate change and refuse to know about it either. Greta wants people to come out of their comfort zone and understand the gravity of the crisis.

  1. “We need to start listening to science and that we actually start treating this crisis as the crisis it is.”

Scientific predictions are majorly based on facts and figures. So if we start prioritizing them over other assumptions, we can treat this crisis in a serious way.

  1. “I have learned you are never too small to make a difference.”

In order to make a difference, having a strong belief on your abilities is more crucial than any other aspect such as age, experience, gender etc.

  1. “We can’t save the world by playing by the rules, because the rules have to be changed. Everything needs to change –and that has to start today.”

This is one of the best Greta Thunberg quotes, as she wants everyone to break the stereotypes and initiate the change today.

  1. “Why should we study for a future that is being taken away from us? We demand a safe future. Is that really too much to ask?”

Greta urges everyone to stand up and demand for a safer future as the drastic changes in climate do not seem promising.

  1. “You say you love your children above all else, and yet you are stealing their future in front of their very eyes.”

If you really care for the future generation, you should not ignore the challenges confronting the future.

  1. “When haters go after your looks and differences, it means they have nowhere left to go…and you know you are winning.”

Some people will always find ways to target you and bother you. You should take this positively and walk ahead with confidence.

  1. “We are striking because we have done our homework. And they have not.”

Preparation is mandatory before commencing any target. With the right preparation, you will always stay ahead in the competition.

  1. “Since our leaders are behaving like children, we will have to take the responsibility they should have taken long ago.”

Taking a dig at today’s leaders, Greta appeals everyone to take responsibility to deal with the change.

  1. “There is hope –I’ve seen it– but it does not come from the governments or corporations. It comes from the people.”

In the end, it is people who will drive the change, not any authority.

  1. “We don’t just want promises, and we’ve heard a lot. We want you to act.”

Promises sound good if they come true. But they equally disappoint if not fulfilled. So rather than making promises, focus on acting upon them.

Over the years, global climate change has demonstrated adverse effects on the environment. Things might get worse if timely actions are not taken. Activists such as Greta are playing a huge role in spreading awareness about the probable crisis. These 15 Greta Thunberg quotes will surely give you an idea about the expected challenges and ways to combat them.

Related: 12 Jordan Peterson Quotes to Stay Motivated!

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