Most Famous Quotes by David Koch

David Hamilton Koch is an American businessman, philanthropist, political activist, and chemical engineer. He joined the family business Koch Industries and was the chairman and chief executive officer of Koch Chemical Technology Group, a wholly owned subsidiary of Koch Industries. As of March 2018, he was ranked as the 6th-richest person in the world.

In recent news it is confirmed that the billionaire industrialist, donor and political activist David Koch will retire from his roles at Koch Industries and other Koch-affiliated groups due to health reasons.

He has been and will be an inspiration to millions of young entrepreneurs and activists.

Here are a few popular quotes by David Koch that will make you admire him more:

You know, once you’ve stood up to cancer, everything else feels like a pretty easy fight.

David Koch quote on cancer

I contribute to public candidate campaigns, and there’s a federal limit on how much you can contribute to each individual candidate. I obey the law in that regard, and I feel like I’m doing it properly.

David H. Koch on politics

When our bodies are violated by this horrible disease of cancer, we’re in total shock because it’s so unexpected.

David Koch quote on cancer disease

The way I look at it is, cancer research is absolutely nonpartisan. Cancer is very democratic in the sense that it attacks people regardless of their race, their gender, their national background, or their political persuasions.

Cancer is very democratic

It is much easier to modify an opinion if one has not already persuasively declared it.

Quotes by David Koch

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Mirror Review Media & Technology, a well established and prominent magazine company has initiated its latest offering in the form of Quotes. Founders, Presidents, CEOs and decision makers who are pathfinders, rule breakers and game changers of the global business and technology industry, will be quoted and featured on this platform.
