Influential Women Leaders

10 Most Dynamic & Influential Women Leaders Ruling The Modern Industry

“Leaders in Heels”

As Geraldine Ferraro says, “Some leaders are born women”, is indeed true! Women of the 21st century have broken every stereotype that had ever mislabelled them since the historical times. Contemporary women entrepreneurs and Influential Women Leaders are a true embodiment of talent, professionalism, and perseverance. In this male-dominated world of business & technology, creating a niche is not a walk in the park. Rather a journey filled by standing tall, dusting fears, defeating challenges and taking bold risks.

Following is a list of quotes by the 8 Most Dynamic & Influential Women Leaders who are known and judged by their professional achievement and alas not gender.

1. Sheryl Sandberg

Company: Facebook                                                                                Position: COO

 “You will be defined not just by what you achieve, but by how you survive.”

Influential Women Leaders

Sheryl Kara Sandberg is the Chief Operating Officer of America’s largest social media platform, Facebook. An architect of business model, Sheryl has played crucial, decision making roles in her career. She has contributed immensely through her prolific work since joining Facebook in 2008.

2. Susan Wojcicki

Company: YouTube                                                                                Position: CEO

Rarely are opportunities presented to you in a perfect box. In a nice little box with a yellow bow on top. Opportunities – the good ones – are messy, confusing and hard to recognize. They’re risky. They challenge you.”

Influential Women Leaders

Named as the Most Important Person Of The Advertising World, Susan Wojcicki is the CEO of YouTube. An MBA student from the UCLA Anderson School of Management, Susan began her career in marketing at Intel. However, after lending her garage to the Google’s founders Larry Page and Sergey Brin, Susan took over the reins as Marketing Manager at Google in 1999. Over the successful, advancing years of Google, Susan has been leading the advertising sector for the multinational company with finesse.

3. Ginni Rometty

Company: IBM                                                               Position: President & CEO

“Don’t let others define you. Define yourself.”

Influential Women Leaders

Virginia Marie “Ginni” Rometty, the first woman to head the company in IBM’s history, is currently the chair, president, and CEO of International Business Machines (IBM). After graduating with a Bachelor’s degree in electrical engineering, Ginni began her corporate journey with General Motors Institute. Later. through her entrepreneurial skills and talent, Susan climbed the corporate ladder through sheer hard work and integrity.

4.Monica Eaton

Company: Chargebacks 911       Position: Founder and COO

“I think the key to carving out space for women in leadership is for those who have already managed to find success to then lend a hand and uplift those who come next.”

Monica Eaton

Monica Eaton is a game-changing woman leader who inspires the next generation of female leaders. She founded Chargebacks 911 in 2011 and currently, she directs the company with her strong leadership skills.

5. Marissa Mayer

Company: Yahoo (Former)                                       Position: Former President & CEO

“I realized in all the cases where I was happy with the decision I made, there were two common threads: Surround myself with the smartest people who challenge you to think about things in new ways, and do something you are not ready to do so you can learn the most.”

Influential Women Leaders

 An American IT executive, Marissa Mayer was the former President & CEO of Yahoo. Marissa has a Stanford BS degree in symbolic systems and an MS in computer science with specialization in Artificial Intelligence. With 14 job options in her kitty, Marissa joined Google after graduation. Powered with an astute mind and futuristic sight, Marissa has played some instrumental roles in Yahoo’s technology ecosystem.

6.Ashley Loeb Blassingame

Company: Lionrock Recovery             Position: Co-founder/Chief People Officer

“Entrepreneurial life requires grit and relentless persistence in the face of unending challenges. If you are a woman, it may be harder, so you will have to be better. Never give up,”

Ashley is a passionate, dedicated, and organized female leader who is making difference in the fields of entrepreneurship. She is one of the powerful women leaders and a proud working mother.

7. Safra Catz

Company: Oracle                                                                                           Position: Co-CEO

“The attitude you need to have is not ‘think out of the box’. Instead, it’s don’t even see the box”.

Safra Catz Quotes

Safra Catz is the Co-CEO of America leading multinational data management systems company, Oracle. With a J.D. from the University of Pennsylvania Law School, Safra initiated her career from Donaldson, Lufkin & Jenrette Firm. In 1999, Safra started her revolutionary work at Oracle. Armed with fierce determination and deep insights on technology and entrepreneurship, Safra Catz has empowered and lead the company to great heights.

8. Angela Ahrendts

Company: Apple                                                                               Position: SVP, Retail

“I am not in favour of quotas. Just put the best person into the job. It is not about gender; it is about experience, leadership and vision.”

Angela Ahrendts

Angela Jean Ahrendts is the Senior Vice President, Retail of Apple Inc. Since the initial days, Angela had a keen interest in Merchandising and Marketing. In 2014, Angela joined Apple and soon became the fastest earning executive of the company, even leaving behind its CEO. Dressed for success, Angela is a woman of many talents.

9. Ursula Burns

Company: VEON                                                                        Position: Chairman

“Dreams do come true, but not without the help of others, a good education, a strong work ethic and the courage to lean in.”

Ursula Burns

Ursula M. Burns is the Chairman of VEON & Senior Advisor of Teneo. Named as the First Black-American Woman CEO to head a Fortune 500 company and also the first woman to succeed another woman as head of a Fortune 500 company, Ursula is an inspiration to the young women entrepreneurs.

10. Ruth Porat

Company: Google                                                                                   Position: CFO

“Stick to your true north― build greatness for the long term.”

Ruth Porat

Ruth Porat is the Chief Financial Officer (CFO) of Alphabet Inc., Google. A bachelor of arts degree in Economics & International Relations from Stanford University, a master of science degree in Industrial Relations from London School of Economics and an MBA with distinction from Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania, Ruth has a scholarly educational background. Named as the Best Internet CFO of 2018 & One of Fortune’s Most Powerful Women Summit, Ruth has left no stones unturned in terms of knowledge, grit, and excellence.

Looking at these influential, intelligent and vivacious women brigade, they are the living examples of women personified. Every little girl with big, bright dreams in her eyes can seek strength and courage from them. They are the classic blend of wisdom, persistence and self-confidence. To quote a few lines by the celebrated poetess Rupi Kaur on cherishing the successful women all around the world,

we all move forward when

we recognize how resilient

and striking the women

around us are

Also Read: Quotes by Top 8 Influential Women Redefining Technology

About Us

Mirror Review Media & Technology, a well established and prominent magazine company has initiated its latest offering in the form of Quotes. Founders, Presidents, CEOs and decision makers who are pathfinders, rule breakers and game changers of the global business and technology industry, will be quoted and featured on this platform.
