quotes on strategy

7 Best Business Strategy Quotes

Starting a company is easy, but it takes years of commitment to make it successful. Along with commitment, it takes innovative strategies to build a successful enterprise. Experience can teach those strategies. Wise business men learn from experience of other people. Here are 7 business strategy quotes that will inspire you.

1. Don’t be invisible.- Seth Godin

Business strategy quote by Seth Godin

2. Sincerity and Integrity.- Douglas Adams

Business strategy quote by Douglas Adams

3. Quality is never an Accident.- William A. Foster

Business strategy quote by William A. Foster

4. The ultimate competitive advantage.- John Carmack

Business strategy quote by John Carmack, CTO of Oculus

5. The quality of time we put.- Arianna Huffington

Arianna Huffington quote

6. What is good for the world.- Indra Nooyi

Indra Nooyi, CEO of PepsiCo quote

7. Making Progress.- Seth Godin

 Quote by Seth Godin

Also Read: 40 Business Meeting Quotes to Get the Agenda Straight

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Mirror Review Media & Technology, a well established and prominent magazine company has initiated its latest offering in the form of Quotes. Founders, Presidents, CEOs and decision makers who are pathfinders, rule breakers and game changers of the global business and technology industry, will be quoted and featured on this platform.
