Business Influencers

Top Business Influencers Available On Instagram

Businesses around the world are now keen to use social media in order to connect with their customers, learn what they like, reach new audiences, fuel other marketing platforms, and generate sales.

Here are some famous Quotes by 10 business influencers who are using Instagram to influence audience with their products and services or promoting other businesses to make them visible.

Follow them by clicking on their Quotes

Business Influencers

“Vision without execution is hallucination.” – Arianna Huffington

Business Influencers

“You never lose in business, either you win or you learn.” – Melinda Emerson

Business Influencers

“Entrepreneurs are willing to work 80 hours a week to avoid working 40 hours a week.” – Lori Greiner

Business Influencers

“One can steal ideas, but no one can steal execution or passion.” – Tim Ferriss

Business Influencers

“If you are successful, it is because somewhere, sometime, someone gave you a life or an idea that started you in the right direction. Remember also that you are indebted to life until you help some less fortunate person, just as you were helped.” – Melinda Gates 

Also, read melinda gates quotes on Women Empowerment

Business Influencers

“Success doesn’t come from what you do occasionally, it comes from what you do consistently.” – Marie Forleo

Jason Stone

“The best way to get a bigger following is to reach out to influencers and ask to help them out or see if you can get featured on their account. This is way more efficient than running an ad.” – Jason Stone

Tai Lopez

“One thing I’ve noticed with the successful. They don’t spend a lot of time on the past.” – Tai Lopez

Marissa Mayer

“Creativity loves constraint. Simplicity is king on the small screen.” – Marissa Mayer

Bryan Kramer

“Our job shifts from producing content to creating experiences through engagement with that content.” – Bryan Kramer

Instagram is a powerful platform for creating visual content for your business. With more than 300 million active users, Instagram became a must have access to catch the attention of the growing number of audiences.

When things are not smooth, people turn to motivational quotes for quick inspiration. The above quotes work for the same for the current generation to involve and switch to social media platforms.

About Us

Mirror Review Media & Technology, a well established and prominent magazine company has initiated its latest offering in the form of Quotes. Founders, Presidents, CEOs and decision makers who are pathfinders, rule breakers and game changers of the global business and technology industry, will be quoted and featured on this platform.
